Why does the customer briefing guarantee successful staffing with the best fit?

Expert Interview with Marcus Christopher Schulz

The client briefing is the first and one of the most important tasks that clients and executive search consultants work on together after the contract for a search has been signed. A good briefing ensures an efficient and successful search and guarantees the quality of the placement.

Customer briefing briefly explained

Marcus Christopher Schulz: At the client briefing, the executive search consultant ideally meets the line management and representatives of the HR department together and in person to obtain detailed information about the position and the working environment. This includes details about the hiring company and its corporate culture and values, the position to be filled and its tasks, the necessary skills of the applicants, the process at the client and formal issues. The process and the services of the commissioned executive search company are also discussed and agreed as required.

Why do executive search consultants create a client briefing?

Marcus Christopher Schulz: The primary objective of a recruitment mandate is to fill the position with the most suitable candidate who is willing to change and available on the market at the time of the search. In order to understand all the perspectives and requirements of all stakeholders with regard to the position, it is necessary to have as complete a view as possible. Together with the information in the briefing, a professional and efficient recruitment is only possible as a quality assurance measure. You can only fill a position successfully if you really understand it. Long-term and successful cooperation is only possible if new employees and the employer are satisfied. And that is the goal of a reputable personnel consultant.

What makes a successful client briefing?

Marcus Christopher Schulz: The client and the executive search consultant have a shared understanding of the vacant position and deal with problems or difficulties in a transparent and open manner. What works well, but what could also be improved. How do all parties involved deal with this? Also a clear definition and confirmation of the three to five “must haves” that applicants must fulfill in order to be invited to the client. Last but not least, honesty, mutual respect and trust contribute to a successful briefing.

Should the briefing also be “brief” – i.e. short and concise?

Marcus Christopher Schulz: Yes, it is. Due to its structure and rich content, it is usually a five- to six-page document that takes 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the participants, and involves an intensive exchange between all stakeholders. The jointly developed document provides both clients and executive search consultants with a solid foundation for the search, as it contains ALL the relevant information and requirements.

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How does the creation of customer briefings work at DELTACON?

Marcus Christopher Schulz: First, the executive search consultant sends the partially completed or blank document to the client so that they can prepare themselves. During a joint working meeting, the document is discussed and all relevant questions are answered. The executive search consultant then sends the complete document to the client for review and approval. With the client’s confirmation, the final document is available, according to which the search will be conducted. Both the client and the consultant can therefore refer to it at every stage of the search and there are no ambiguities.

What does DELTACON pay attention to when creating customer briefings?

Marcus Christopher Schulz: The briefing takes the form of an interview with the client, in which both the line manager and the HR representative are asked about the key points. If an answer is not comprehensible or clear, further questions must be asked. In this interview, the consultant also represents the candidate’s point of view. As the content of the briefing document is also largely used to create the position description, everything must be clear and unambiguous for interested parties. It goes without saying that this comprehensibility and clarity is also important for the executive search consultant, as they represent the client in the search process and must therefore be fully informative at all times.

What are the pros and cons for the searching company and potential candidates?


  • Only those who really understand a position can fill it successfully
  • The contents of the briefing enable a position description that is understandable for the applicant
  • Creates transparency for all stakeholders throughout the entire process
  • Important quality assurance measure
  • Finding the most suitable candidates who are “ready to change” on the market at the time of the search
  • Successful, efficient and timely filling of the open position


  • Risk of meaning it “too well” and including too much information
  • If designed in too much detail, every document becomes too confusing
  • If not formulated clearly, potential applicants feel less well received

What can clients contribute to a successful briefing?

Marcus Christopher Schulz: It is essential to take the time to answer honestly and to deal openly and proactively with the reality in the company. It is also advantageous to clarify the situation in the company and the most important points about the position to be filled in a preliminary consultation between line management and the HR department, for example what the company expects from new employees. A successful client briefing with the executive search consultant can only be conducted if both departments come to a common conclusion.

What conclusions do you draw about successful customer briefings?

Marcus Christopher Schulz: Honest and authentic collaboration during the briefing between clients and executive search consultants is based on mutual respect and trust. The parties involved get to know each other better and synergies may also arise beyond the recruitment process. Pragmatic and simple solutions are often found for complex tasks. If desired by all sides, the current situation of an issue can also be improved or new joint searches can be prepared and initiated. This can lead to a close working relationship, which benefits all stakeholders in a long-term partnership.

By Marcus Christopher Schulz

Executive Search Consultant for furnishings, lighting & consumer electronics

Marcus Christopher Schulz is Managing Partner of DELTACON Executive Search. He is responsible for the furniture, lighting and consumer electronics sectors and heads our office in Vienna. In addition to his certified consulting activities (CMC), he has 12 years of operational management and general management experience within the furniture and consumer electronics industry.